chillerlan PHP-QRCode Manual
User manual for chillerlan/php-qrcode [stable]. Updated on Nov 21, 2024.
The phpDocumentor API documentation can be found at
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License.
- Overview
- Installation
- Quickstart
- Advanced usage
- Configuration settings
- version
- versionMin
- versionMax
- eccLevel
- maskPattern
- addQuietzone
- quietzoneSize
- outputType
- outputInterface
- returnResource
- cachefile
- outputBase64
- eol
- bgColor
- invertMatrix
- drawLightModules
- drawCircularModules
- circleRadius
- keepAsSquare
- connectPaths
- excludeFromConnect
- moduleValues
- addLogoSpace
- logoSpaceWidth
- logoSpaceHeight
- logoSpaceStartX
- logoSpaceStartY
- scale
- imageTransparent
- transparencyColor
- quality
- gdImageUseUpscale
- imagickFormat
- cssClass
- svgAddXmlHeader
- svgDefs
- svgPreserveAspectRatio
- svgUseFillAttributes
- textLineStart
- jsonFlags
- jsonAsBooleans
- fpdfMeasureUnit
- readerUseImagickIfAvailable
- readerGrayscale
- readerInvertColors
- readerIncreaseContrast
- imageBase64
- jpegQuality
- pngCompression
- imageTransparencyBG
- imagickBG
Customizing output
Built-In Output Modules